The NEXRAD Doppler Radar HOAX Exposed!
From "HAARP Rings" in 2011 to present, the dirty history of science-fiction weather control.
In 2012, I wanted to believe. I desperately tried to find any reason to explain how NEXRAD doppler radars could be changing the weather. I postulated that an obscure “searchlight mode” mentioned in the Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation from the WSR-88D Radar was the pencil beam (laser beams) that we were seeing and that somehow they were heating the troposphere with fixed doppler radar towers. The Doppler Effect: Are radars affecting the weather?

I was wrong then, and knowing what I know now I cannot allow this freq show to continue without telling you the full story. Who started it? Who kept it going? Why is it coming back? Please watch the video above, review the show notes below, and you decide. Are weather doppler radars warning us or controlling the weather?
For me the answer is simple: NEXRAD does not have the power or frequency required to alter the weather in any way and in the past 15 years I have seen NO evidence of any weather being altered by a doppler radar. PERIOD.

VIDEO: Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep
VIDEO: BREAKING! Major Weather Event PREDICTED - Must Watch! - Radar Anomaly by In2ThinAir and @In2ThinAir on X/Twitter
Dutchsinse YouTube channel - sort videos by Oldest, search for “HAARP Rings” starting 2011
Debunked: HAARP rings/scalar squares, etc. validated in paper from Stanford

WeatherWar101 YouTube channel - sort videos by Oldest, search for “NEXRAD” and “HAARP” starting 2011
The HAARP Report & WeatherWar101 don’t know HAARP (deleted)
Nexrad WSR-88D on (deleted)

Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep - Reinette Senum
Good News, Bad News, & a Retraction - Reinette Senum
NEXRAD Weather Control and Accidental Geoengineering -
NEXRAD Radar Data Sources
NOAA’s National Weather Service Radar Operation Center - NEXRAD WSR-88D
National High Resolution reflectivity composite loop - University of Wisconsin
Mosaic Radar Imagery for Continental US (GOES-East) College of DuPage
NEXLAB - College of DuPage Meteorology - NEXRAD Base Reflectivity (2.5) for Dyess AFB, TX - Click Radar Selection (Top Right)
National Weather Service NEXRAD CONUS Radar map
Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) Data Access from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
NCEI Interactive Radar Map (NEXRAD Level II and Level III Data)
Please watch the video and spread the word by sharing this post.

Reinette should delete her post. Bet she doesn't!
It would not be the first time she has created a mess and that suggests that she is click-baiting and untrustworthy. Substack is FULL of these misleading accounts which waste our time with distractions.
Saddens me.
Skies are filled with frequencies not sustainable for human life or nature!
I wonder what there really hiding! So many misdirections and gate keepers just use your senses!
Nothing is this world is natural, Nothing exposed sticks around before another misdirection tour begins
Bottom line is and always has been depopulation!
Nobody watches main stream news the internet is filled with gate keepers!
Trust yourself! Not hard to see what is going on!
They want to control all! The truth and the lies!
Trust yourself. The amount of finger pointing and positioning for approval from the digital Gods!
Is obvious to me! Watch Yourselves!