Airlines Lobby: Don't Look Up!
The Climate Cult is hot on their "trails" but airlines don't want data collection.
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) ate the airlines!
I warned about this in 2015 at the EPA hearing on jet pollution. Contrails make cirrus clouds that trap heat at ground level and are worse than CO2. Nine years later, is the push for monitoring “Non-CO2 emissions” and carbon taxing airlines driving the quest for knowledge, or is this really about limiting travel and greed?
I also warned back in 2013: be careful what you wish for. The outrage over chemtrails could lead to two possible scenarios:
More expensive/less flights: only the rich will be able to fly due to the exorbitant price of carbon and contrail taxes. This ties directly into the idea of "climate lockdowns.”
Invisible contrails: the clouds are gone but the solution was worse than the disease. Biofuels, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), Frankenstein fuel makes no clouds but end up being even more toxic.
What are Non-CO2 emissions
Emissions from burning jet fuel consist mainly of carbon dioxide (CO2), then water vapor (H2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), soot (PM 2.5), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), aerosols, and traces of hydroxyl compounds (-OH), most of which are released in the atmosphere at cruise altitudes of 8– 13 km above mean sea level.
The main climate change contributions from non-CO2 emissions of aviation come from the formation of persistent contrails and particularly the resulting aviation-induced clouds, as well as from the chemical atmospheric reactions driven by NOx emissions. Source: IATA Non-CO2 emissions FAQ
As you can see, non-CO2 emissions is a catch all phrase for everything coming out of the airplane’s tail pipe not called carbon dioxide, however, the main focus is aviation-induced cloudiness (AIC). One might also note that there is no mention of graphene or metal nanoparticles as they are generically lumped in the “aerosols” category.
European Union’s Contrail Monitoring Program
EUROCONTROL’s new contrail observatory on the roof of our Innovation Hub (EIH) in Brétigny, France is designed to monitor and help analyze the formation and evolution of condensation trails (contrails).
The data collected by two state-of-the art cameras will support research into contrail avoidance and aviation’s efforts to reduce the climate impact of non-CO2 aviation emissions. The two cameras are provided by Reuniwatt, a leading expert in atmospheric characterization and a major player in solar radiation and cloud cover monitoring and forecasting. Located near Paris-Orly Airport, this setup offers an ideal vantage point for recording these atmospheric phenomena close to one of France’s busiest airports, and combining the data generated with satellite data plus our unique network data to improve our understanding of contrail formation and how best to mitigate it.
"We are excited to now be able to track contrails during both day and night and boost our research into contrail formation and avoidance. All data and the detection algorithm we are developing will be made publicly available to the wider research community and we look forward to our exchanges on the project with our partners."
Source: New EUROCONTROL contrail observatory at our Innovation Hub will support contrail avoidance research
IATA Lobbies Against Non-CO2 Emissions Monitoring for Long Haul Flights
The European Commission has drafted plans to initially exempt long-haul flights from rules on monitoring their non-CO2 emissions after international carriers lobbied for an opt-out, documents seen by Reuters showed. …
Lobby group the International Air Transport Association has been seeking an exemption for long-haul flights, while low-cost European carriers Ryanair, easyJet and Wizz Air say all flights - including long-haul international trips - should be included.
"The blanket exclusion of extra-EEA routes would give the misleading impression that these routes create no non-CO2 warming effects, misdirecting all future non-CO2 mitigation measures," the airlines said in a joint statement distributed to EU governments.
IATA has said it is not currently possible to accurately monitor a flight's non-CO2 emissions, and that the EU's emissions monitoring requirements should be voluntary and exclude international flights.
"Any intention of expanding the scope to extra-EU international flights would raise legal concerns," IATA director general Willie Walsh said in a letter to the European Commission in April, seen by Reuters. Source: EU drafts plan to exempt long-haul flights from new emissions rules
An Eye-Opening Presentation On Contrail Avoidance
Flying is booming and with it the CO2 emissions. It is is not easy to decarbonize aviation. Whether electric drives, e-fuels, or green hydrogen, so far there is no convincing climate-friendly option for propulsion in air transport. And now? In addition to drastic flight restrictions, there is another way forward. Flights just need to be rerouted to fly a little higher or lower. Why? Large passenger and cargo jets are flying at an altitude of around 11000 m. In these regions water vapor condenses with soot from the engine exhaust to ice crystals forming contrails behind the aircraft. They can remain visible for many hours, when humidity is high. Especially at dawn, dusk and at night contrails are warming, because they act like panes of glass in a greenhouse. CO2 from aircraft fuel accounts for only one third of the warming effect measured in equivalent CO2. In contrast, contrails can cause more than half of the equivalent CO2. Experts in various fields of aviation explain unanimously that contrail management could start now! How is it done? Who knows what? Who is prepared? Who is against it?
Scholz, Dieter. "Contrail Management – Now!" Hamburg Aerospace Lecture Series (2024)
Contrail Avoidance Trials
Some airlines have also conducted (or are preparing) trials to learn how feasible it would be to avoid ISSRs where contrails can persist. For example:
American Airlines in partnership with Google and Breakthrough Energy
Air France in partnership with Météo France
Delta Air Lines in partnership with the MIT
Etihad Airways in partnership with Satavia
KLM Airlines in partnership with Satavia
Lufthansa Airlines, DHL, Condor, TUI in partnership with DLR and DWD (in preparation at the time of writing)
Source: IATA Aviation contrails and their climate effect
Also engaged in contrail avoidance is ARPA-E:
PRE-TRAILS - Predictive Real-time Emissions Technologies Reducing Aircraft Induced Lines in the Sky
Contrail Geoengineering: The Chemtrail Conspiracy Real Deal!
We have come a long way since 1997 and the origins of the chemtrail conspiracy. We were told there’s nothing to see here, it’s just water vapor, what’s the fuss all about, and put your tinfoil hats on. Now we know, and they know, and more importantly, the airlines are running from the truth, which inevitably will come and they will pay the price of blocking the sun and poisoning the sky with toxic chemicals.
The only question remaining is, will they turn their cloud creating conundrum into a geoengineering solution? Will they create MORE cooling contrail cirrus clouds during the day, and none during the night so they can cash in on carbon offsets and carbon credits? Will it only get worse? Your educated voice will make that decision. Don’t let them hide the truth any more and don’t fall from the bullshit fear-porn pushing content-creators or the fact-checking debunkers lies.
More Reading
American Airlines ESG - Contrail Avoidance
IAGOS - In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) - Publications
IAGOS CARABIC - Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container
IATA - More Data Needed to Understand Contrails, their Climate Effect & Develop Mitigation - permalink
IATA - Aviation contrails and their climate effect, Tackling uncertainties and enabling solutions
IATA - Non-CO2 emissions FAQ
Airlines divide over new EU rules on monitoring and reporting of their non-CO2 emissions
EU suffers backlash over plan to monitor aircraft contrails - permalink
EU drafts plan to exempt long-haul flights from new emissions rules
EU Will Exempt Long-Haul Flights From Non-CO2 Emissions Tracking
ICAO - Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
ICAO - CORSIA Eligible Fuels - Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Tore Says Show July 8 2024 start at 1:26:20 on Green Hydrogen Powered Planes and controlling your movements.
Grey vs. blue vs. green hydrogen | The Future of Energy [simplified]
Eviation - Alice, the first ever all-electric commuter aircraft
Supreme Court agrees with continued human rights violations by the aviation industry

I think this is some very interesting reading. Maybe you have already but wow.
State of Washington: no chemtrails since July 3rd skies pristine blue. Some haze smoke due to fire south of here. Wondering if this is happening in other areas as well? Because this is a record.