Why is nuclear war and WW3 an issue when it's clear from many historical records that ALL nation states have been controlled by the same powerful entities since at least the early 1900s? This perspective can be understood from extensive research done by Professor Antony Sutton, Patrick Wood, James Perloff, David Livingstone, and many others. For years I've independently looked deeply into this hidden global governance and the extensive financial and policy fusion of supposed nemeses and found mountains of evidence that absolutely confirms we are already living in a very centralized global system of control that uses Kabuki theater (sometimes with deadly consequences for proles) to keep the public in a state of terrorized fear. Iran was taken over by the Masons in the early 1900s, its parliament building is a giant pyramid with 33 windows, several of its central banks are also pyramidal kowtowing to BIS and IMF as they've been privatizing banking. The Ayatollah, with a net worth of a billion or more (and his sons living lavish decadent lives in Europe as very wealthy men) makes pretenses over radical implementation of surveillance and Agenda 21 and 2030 reforms but does nothing of substance to oppose the transformation. The Revolutionary Guard was exposed by Iran's media as being very corrupt in their infrastructure management and then the "solution" became privatization of public assets. Russia and China are very much into absolute compliance with UN Agendas (and have also quietly deferred to the IPCC). This is why all nations bowed down to WHO covid edicts and it's also why Obama effectively transferred control of management of the internet to the UN via ICANN with the Wall Street Journal reporting at that time that China is poised to eventually take over the management of the net for the UN worth trillions of dollars in data collection fees alone. Why would the US give up control of such a valuable asset to say nothing of the national security importance of controlling a massive platform for communication and commerce? Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of DHS and member of the Trilateral Commission, sat on the international committee that decided the fate of the internet shifting to UN oversight.

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As for Kill Bates God should find the end solution for David Keith and his club very quickly.

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I agree that the human race could survive a warmer planet (or a cooler planet) as our species and ancestors certainly survived through some fairly dramatic climatic changes during the last glacial period and into the Holocene (Younger Dryas).

I wonder if you could somehow detect materials they plan to drop using sensors on satellites. These days they can figure out so much using satellite data, you'd think they might be able to detect when someone sprays some material that one would not normally see in the atmosphere. Sulphur or aluminum or plastic or whatever may have a spectral signature or scattering pattern.

I often think these people who want to do the geoengineering don't understand the effects of changing the wavelengths of light reaching earth and how that will affect plants, humans and all living things. Different plants use different parts of the light spectrum and perhaps different materials would affect unintended frequencies. Humans have opsins in their skin and eyes to detect particular sunlight frequencies (and UV) that are used for signaling processes in our bodies - like release/production of melatonin, or production of vitamin D. It occurred to me that if geoengineering affects UVB light reaching earth then people with darker skin might be affected the most especially if they lived at higher latitudes.

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