Thank you very much for the kind mention Jim.

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Sharing is caring brother. =)

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Jim, Happy Earth Day !

I have just published the Conclusion of my series which piggy-backs a lot on so much of your amazing research and publications. I also have some great quotes from you (the one about fear is my favourite) in this post.

- Special Investigation: Geoengineering & Weather Modification in Canada, Part 4 (Addenda, Updates, Overall Conclusion & Open Letters)


archived (2024-04-22 at 11:55 am):https://archive.ph/wip/hoVYJ

TWEET: https://twitter.com/DanFour09653856/status/1782433525356216569

This Part 4 post runs at about 84 pages, with the entire series at over 300 pages.

I emailed you and the others with additional details.

A heartfelt THANK YOU for all the amazing work, education and advocacy you have accomplished over the past decade+. You are a true hero and inspiration!

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This was awesome!

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Jim, you need to edit your bio of Elana "She is now beginning the third book of that trilogy Synthetic Biology and Transhumanism." -

Because I have her third book sitting here on my shelf! 😉

I liked Elana's point that all illness has a frequency! That is what I have been writing about since 2016. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the body is run by an electro-magnetic energy called Chi. Each organ and muscle produces delicate EMFs. It is obvious that, if the environment is being bombarded with unnatural EMFs, then ALL living beings are going to be sickened.

I go as far as saying that ending all life is the objective of the Nobs.

They want to repopulate with their own design and they view nature as a form of contamination.

I don't agree with you, Jim, that there was some sort of 'mutant virus' spilled or escaped from a biolab. That is not feasible. Wuhan was inundated with 5G for the UN Military Games Oct 2019. The population of Wuhan was given 5G ready phones in preparation for that. 10,000 towers were switched on and millions of phones fired up. There never was any kind of 'virus', that is a fake story. There was a massive upsurge of electro-magnetic radiation and it killed the weakest first. The roll out of 5G around the world can be correlated with Covid19 geographically AND chronologically.

I have created an archive in support of that theory: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19

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I reached out to Elana and she updated her bio from her about page, and I included a second blockquote from her email and the cover of her 4th book coming out soon!

As for COVID vs 5G. I checked worldwide 5G towers during the height of the plandemic and several of the countries claiming the highest mortality rates and ZERO 5G towers. I fail to see the correlation. Agree to disagree =)

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Having had horrible Lyme I think there are engineered 'viruses'. I felt physically that Corona feels very much like Lyme, including the after-Corona or long Covid. One feels so profoundly sick from it in a very strange way. The fact that we do not heal from it in many cases isn't normal, it isn't natural. So yes, in that sense it isn't a natural virus? / We do forget a core element in all of this: We shouldn't have to disagree on so much because we should be told the truth.! Whether it is about the trails in the skies or viruses and all the rest.

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Hmm. EMFs include 5G but are not exclusive to it. 4G seems to have been aggravating health long before, but unadmitted. I found a very interesting study by a Spanish doctor who correlated hospital admissions for 'Covid19' in Europe with the roll out of 5G in April of 2020. His findings were very interesting! The most telling aspect of his discoveries were those places which had an absence of 5G and Covid simultaneously. Viruses and biolab leaks do not respect borders, as far as I am aware!


One other point I would like to make is that when I started writing about EMFs causing identical symptoms to Covid19 (hypoxia in particular) I was unceremoniously excluded from most social media platforms. Facebook and Twitter entirely obliterated my accounts costing me a massive collection of articles, photos and lots of personal family + friend contacts. Substack is the only place where I can write now.

I found that any time I mentioned the connection between 5G and Covid I was jumped on by 77th Brigade (British Army Online Hit Squad) and the abuse was through the roof. This, of course, made me even MORE suspicious..... they were turning 5G=C19 into a total taboo subject and I had evidence by the bucket-load that there is a strong correlation.

I had even written up an early case history (2018) of a guy who worked at Heathrow Airport in the baggage department when 5G was installed to control tug traffic. One of his workmates died of a heart attack and he was disabled from working there at all eventually.

As electro-magnetic radiation is cumulative in the body, the situation worsened until he is now unable to live in a home with wifi and had to split from his girlfriend and her kids who all insisted on using it. This explains 'Long Covid' very well!

He now lives in a garage without electricity at all. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/long-covid-electro-magnetic-stress

The number of debilitating symptoms (worsening over time) runs into the hundreds and, as Elana mentioned, Arthur Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow, details the timeline of electrification as coinciding with epidemics of flu and other major health hazards.

Look closely at the final chart on this article: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/there-is-no-virus-there-is-no-lab

Russian studies have been especially useful to me as I have tried to persuade people to look at this matter. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-cold-war-of-electro-magnetic

I honestly think you have turned a blind eye to a very important issue which could also explain your OWN health issues - I do believe that I have tried to tell you this before.... but failed to attract your serious attention.

That, of course, does not prevent me from continuing to write about this matter and wear my EMF protective clothing whenever I have to go out. I do notice a difference and it is not psychosomatic!


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Thank You...

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On the topic of the "greenhouse" effect - that is what it feels like here when they geoengineer our skies. It feels hot and humid (muggy) - and we live in a semi-arid climate so not normal!

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So glad I found you here! Used to follow you on FB and remember the launch of CV website.

Great talk here.

Do you know if Pete Ramon is still around? Max?

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Pete Ramon is still very active: https://www.facebook.com/pete.ramon.5

and Max Bliss emails me almost every day. I hope to have him on my livestream to do an interview sometime soon.

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Awesome. I'm not on FB any more but look forward to hearing from Max with you!

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Thank you for sharing this Zoom with Elana and all the others. So much information is shared by all of you. I have shared it with a group of people in Telegram. Two are working on uploading the video to our group. I hope to be able to get this video uploaded to Odysee, Rumble and Bitchute. I so appreciate all the work each of you have done and continue to do.

Go Canada.

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I went through it.

I did not know much of it.


But I do need a glass of wine now

and I don't think I will be able to sleep well.... What the Hell???

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Hello Elana, I'm writing from Belgium.

We have had rains now for almost a year.

The spraying is and has been horrendous.

The farmers strike all the time.

Belgians have no clue about what is going on.

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