UPDATE - My public comment has been posted:

Comment from Lee Jr., James

Posted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Nov 13, 2024 https://www.regulations.gov/comment/NOAA-OAR-2024-0091-0075

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Makes Them™ a crap ton of money through subsidies as They™ destroy what They™ created. Classic Hegelian Dialectic.

They™ have had think tanks to advise the best course of action since inception…we haven't.

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Tax the FK out of us is why.

How many more taxes can they come up with along

with all of their other bullshit taxes!

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You may NOT want to ask this :) (the old Law of Attraction moment here). Its about taxing us off of owning anything...

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UPDATE • Join ICAN in Demanding a Ban on Geoengineering:

This week, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a powerful public comment to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) taking a strong stand against weather modification and geoengineering. ICAN calls for NOAA, absent a ban on geoengineering, to implement a policy that discourages research, field experiments, and deployment of any weather modification or climate intervention technologies without the informed consent of the American people. Submit your own comment by November 19.


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So much for citizen protection hey? First They™ MAKE the emergency, then They™ race to the "Rescue" with Their™ Privatized NGO rescue groups - Their™ "Protectionism Act" after the "Emergency Act"

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Delighted to know that Kelly is cancer free. There are now many ways to cure cancer using re-purposed drugs that doctors will not tell us about - although even that is changing:


Research The Tippens Protocol




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I wouldn’t be surprised if the push for more stringent regulations is actually for the purpose of reinforcing the legal framework FOR the continued poisoning of the atmosphere & environment, done under the guise of saving the planet from “climate change”, & making it far more difficult for individuals or organisations to pushback against the crimes being committed.

If the regulations are pushed for & enforced by ethical & moral people like yourself, then that will be a good thing

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And so we are making some headway - hopefully - with Trump...

Escaping the Matrix is a daunting task, requiring a LOT of perspective adjustments towards the higher cause with others... hard to do with the divisiveness running the show these days! Finding the dynamics to harmonize and develop a transformational imperative is a good start. Using our 'natural world' as our teacher, while those of us here have a memory of this.

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Really glad for no cancer.

Even Dr. Campbell is saying, get the damn horse paste.

Been proven for years. Cancer is a parasite.


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This is great. Thank you so much for your heads up and your example.

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I believe geoengineering , we have been doing it for two hundred years , so why stop now , but i think there should be two very important rules to SRM do not add any more particulate to the sky s there is already enough particulate in the atmosphere , lets just work with what we got via RF/ Microwave /scalor wave Adaptation and Ocean iron fertilization again add no further particulate no mining of iron sulfate to spread among st the ocean to fertilize the ocean no sulfur dioxide mined and distributed into the sky's either,, All we have to do is charge the existing particulate in the oceans and the atmosphere using electro chemical reations RF/ Microwave /Scalar wave ETC , there are heaps of options but no additives please This should be law www.theglobalgorillla.com

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Hi Jim just wondered if you’ve seen this if yes what’s your views. https://youtu.be/UOSGRv0SNfI?si=AVpkipaV6AMXscBH

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I'm surprised Eric Heckler is pushing his narrative where ever he can... makes me wonder.

The UFO scheme is the anticipated drama plot - ever listen to the 1938 radio show "War of the Worlds?" This is how They™ first create the crisis, keep people AT MOST FEAR, then the 'emergencies act' comes down upon the region, then the 'protectionism response' is to follow, which requires enabling the controls with full control over people first and then the resources and their distribution.

Perhaps your answer is in the video - at this start: https://youtu.be/UOSGRv0SNfI?si=qqWcW-1ntN07vbqi&t=1472

The Alien story is for the purpose of playing out this drama globally, so that the UN can step in with 'Saving the World' and for global control.

You might enjoy this "Hidden Hand Behind UFO's: Lifting the Esoteric Veil" https://youtu.be/7OPju8Tovvk?si=-NAeSZdXQcf1BSzf

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