Well done Maestro! Cross-posted with as much promotion as I could muster. Thank you for all the years of information and patient repetition. You truly are a star.
I know that you, like me, have certain reservations about the work of Clif High; but interesting to note that he has just suggested that what they are spraying in chemtrails is actually coal ash, a nuisance industrial by-product which he says used to be a USD1bn/year problem for the US until the nineties, a problem which seems to have gone away. He says that now Europe is importing coal ash from China for some reason and that the chemical composition of coal ash is the same/similar to what's believed to be in the chemtrails.
Reminds me of fluoride, another previously useless but harmful industrial by-product which some evil Nob genius managed to turn to profit by putting it in everybody's water supply.
He is a decade behind Jim Lee! We have known that the chemtrailers use coal ash since an Indian researcher identified the composition a decade ago. The off-shore style of distribution has also been used in the UK for many years! I see the lines at dawn over the coast whenever the sky is clear in the early dawn.
Clif High infuriates me with his absolute avoidance of electro-magnetic radiation from telecoms! Any fool can work out that the massive upsurge in Cancers, turbo varieties especially, are the direct result of the roll out of 5G. The massive increase in unnatural EMFs is causing all living beings tremendous health problems and this can be traced both geographically and chronologically worldwide. See https://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846
We only need to look at the declassified US Navy's translations of Russian documents to see that, since the 1970s, it has been known that certain wavelengths caused blooms of parasites within the bodies of lab rats. They literally puffed up with oedema, obesity and cancerous growths. Cancer is now suspected as being colonies of parasites!
Surely it is obvious that this is what we are seeing among people nowadays?
Now I ask myself.... WHY would an intelligent man like Clif High always avoid mentioning the horrors of electro-magnetic radiation? I can only assume that he is as keen to see the advent of the Internet of Things as any Black Nobility Club of Rome obedience freak.
Then when you consider his life's work is dependent on people continuing to use the internet it becomes obvious that he won't say anything which might reduce his legacy to a hill of beans.
Wikipedia says this about him:
"Web Bot is an internet bot computer program whose developers claim is able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the internet. It was developed in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends. The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via the website."
If he had one iota of integrity he would being telling the internet to get hard-wired and to ditch Wifi...... THAT is why I have serious 'reservations' about Clif High, his Web Bot Project and his selective self-preserving reports!
I a not down on Cliff High. He's a paranoiac. During the peak of convid splandemic propaganda, he was promoting shredding. He's nuts. And he is not corresponding in any way to what I consider an intelligent being. His avoidance of speaking of EMF radiation could be compare to Coppolino's and friends raw power deployed to nullify oxide graphene hypothesis as a tool of poisoning the herds to get control over everything. Scoglio, the italian calamari, and even Lanka, are bold graphene deniers. 5G needs graphene oxide and mostly graphene hydroxide (and other heavy metals, metal debris etc) to acheive its fully deadly goal. You don't even have to go up to the 'remote' nanoparticules theory to understand that 'adjuvants' alone with conducting non biological stuff inside the body is wrong when not lethal. No more time to loose with those parrots and paecoks.
I was a big fan of Scoglio until I listened to his interview with Coppolino a few months back where he claimed the self-assembling nanotech in jabs is result of CGI and there's no GO/GH in them either. I also heard Lanka say something similar during an interview with Kate Sugat a long time ago. Wondering what game Scoglio is playing. Coppolino is also a very slippery character.
To try answer your question about the Calamari. I asked myself the same. Well, Scoglio presents himself (him and his chief editor Coppolino) as Nobel Prize Nominee 2019 or something. I think he will got it soon ;-)
« Wow! Quel beau spectacle de mauvaise foi. Lanka n'était pas en forme de jour-là. J'ai rarement vu une réponse aussi emberlificotée. Et en plus, il dit qu'il y a a effectivement du graphène dans les vaccins, mais « juste un peu »! C'est hilarant et malaisant à la fois. Les deux pauvres bouffons psyoppés semblent même découragés de la triste performance de leur poulain. Autre fait complètement inepte dans cet extrait : le chantre de l'inexistence des virus nous fait l'apologie de la conservation des vaccins! Je suis désolé, mais c'est trop pour moi. Bye bye Lanka, dans la poubelle de l'opposition contrôlée! »
Same path here Kerrylyn. I have listened and read those two very carefully. Scoglio never impressed me. I lost the series of commentaries I made live when he came out of nowhere to add his grain of salt in the covid porridge. Coppolino has an inside failure as far as I can observe: pride. He would die not to be the right guy with the right opinion/perception. I gave up when I read through the commentaries that he was the 'editor' of the last calamari's paper, an authentic typical scientific denying as I like them... This is not that because bla bla bla, and ii's not graphene, it's graphite... and bla bla bla, not a single rock solid concrete argument in this paper, only bad faith scolar paper, not even solid or interesting, he's running after Campra's ass the whole raggish and dishonest paper, and he's not even able to take into account of the very important distinction between GO and GH... He never mentioned Andreas Noack's works, well, I wrote to Tom Cowan that the guy (Scoglio) should continue to read studies and books, because that's probably all he can do. He's of no use when you come (and you should) to reality, meaning clots, dead bodys, health problems... etc. I am no more interested in this clown and neither in the highjack Coppolino lost in his chronology. Coming to Lanka, I will send you the links to the interwiew you are talking about, with my succint commentaries. Out Lanka too. I still rely on Samantha Bailey. Coppolino too also btw, him and his old alt-right farting dog, the Rappoport's poor clone, Jeffrey Strahl. I hope not to become one day such the brooms they got in their asses. Well, waisting my time and saliva again. I'll send you the link and comment on Lanka, you judge yourself. Strahl (Coppolinoo's dog and best follower and yes men) once banned me for life from intervening into his papal bulls eyes (his comments, you see), because I was calling the Bailey's the Beagle's, because they both have puppy faces. Don't seek for humor in those white sepulcrum roads. Anyways. Samantha and Mark Baileys agreed that there is graphene in the shots. I respect their arguments, because their demonstrations are based on a decent base of logic and intuition. Scoglio is just the service basher. I could never trace the line between stupidity and native stubbornness on one side, and deliberate intentions to harm or deceive. There is a lot of that mix in the covid shit commentators. My last opinion is that it is a trap. A babbling trap for believers and truth seekers. Isn't it all obvious, no?
I look forward to the links. I agree with you 100%. I had a run-in with both Coppolino & Strahl in comments on his interview with Scoglio. Are you saying Strahl is actually Rappoport's sock puppet? Do you know whether Campra or LQC have reacted to Scoglio's paper? I haven't seen anything. Maybe they've decided to ignore it.
Yes, I understand. I also have misgivings about him. With regard to EMF and Covid, I was highly suspicious when Covid in Japan only took off after 5G first came into service in March, 2020, and the Olympics were then postponed. I did not know it at the time; but it does seem there is a pattern going back to the introduction of the telegraph!
I mean, there’s even a video clip from about a decade ago of a local news weatherman saying the wispy “clouds” people are seeing is from planes spraying coal fly ash. This was in Oregon, I believe.
There was a local reporter from Arizona that said in coming chemtrails are in the forecast! Then showed the skyline! It was on YouTube! That is where I saw it probably 10 years ago, before they all signed disclosures
Small town meteorologist had various slips years ago!
Wispy became a word used, along with patchwork clouds
Frequency clouds, or chemical oil slicks appearing in the sky, like oil in a rain storm! Military rents planes!
You have regular pilots making runs for the money!
Get a big enough zoom and you can read the labels on the plane!
That’s what I did saw for myself!
You have the military and the free market going cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
Fueling it all is their overblown egos! The human race to prestige and fame!
I am just a common folk! I know what I see! I hear nature crying everyday!
Reminds me of kids with no friends in high school now getting even!
All of them soulless with no human thoughts!
Taking their orders from the digital god their building!
Just look how fast the nations water went to shit!
Use to be just a few broken down cites, now it’s the world!
Digital madness singularity total compliance to the machine!
That would be good to find. Reminds me that the folks at Environmental Health Trust have curated about 16 vintage CNN reports warning viewers about Cell Phone Radiation, Cancer, and EMR Mind Control. With your research skills, perhaps a lead for how to find others clips? Just a kind gesture from a kindly old and curious lady.
CNN Reports Cell Phones and Cancer - 16 vintage videos
Well, it was from quite a few years ago and I’m going off memory. There’s a good possibility it’s on Dane Wiggington’s site Geoengineeringwatch.org in his archives somewhere.
I've got a photo you're gonna love. Can you contact me via email and I'll send it to you. Apparently I cannot post here. Karen Koshgarian twokandoux@comcast.net
Hi, I’m glad I found you! This interview with Jim Lee is the best I’ve seen on geoengineering. I posted it to Solari Circles. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff, thanks.
Thank-you for the interview. I am trying to learn as much as possible about geoengineering. It is a topic that everyone should have at least a basic understanding of.
Sorry for posting second time but thought you would be interested in following comment. Hi Jim, planes can fly without heavy metals and black carbon using 1940s prometheuus synfuel tech, quaise geothermal electricity, and otto aviation aerodynamics. Don't need magical batteries. prometheusfuels.com, https://www.quaise.energy/news, https://www.ottoaviation.com/. By the way, back in the day I was a fly on the wall re movers and shakers you mention in some of your talks.
Well done Maestro! Cross-posted with as much promotion as I could muster. Thank you for all the years of information and patient repetition. You truly are a star.
Thank you Frances!
I know that you, like me, have certain reservations about the work of Clif High; but interesting to note that he has just suggested that what they are spraying in chemtrails is actually coal ash, a nuisance industrial by-product which he says used to be a USD1bn/year problem for the US until the nineties, a problem which seems to have gone away. He says that now Europe is importing coal ash from China for some reason and that the chemical composition of coal ash is the same/similar to what's believed to be in the chemtrails.
Reminds me of fluoride, another previously useless but harmful industrial by-product which some evil Nob genius managed to turn to profit by putting it in everybody's water supply.
Starts around the 22:00 mark:
He is a decade behind Jim Lee! We have known that the chemtrailers use coal ash since an Indian researcher identified the composition a decade ago. The off-shore style of distribution has also been used in the UK for many years! I see the lines at dawn over the coast whenever the sky is clear in the early dawn.
Clif High infuriates me with his absolute avoidance of electro-magnetic radiation from telecoms! Any fool can work out that the massive upsurge in Cancers, turbo varieties especially, are the direct result of the roll out of 5G. The massive increase in unnatural EMFs is causing all living beings tremendous health problems and this can be traced both geographically and chronologically worldwide. See https://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846
We only need to look at the declassified US Navy's translations of Russian documents to see that, since the 1970s, it has been known that certain wavelengths caused blooms of parasites within the bodies of lab rats. They literally puffed up with oedema, obesity and cancerous growths. Cancer is now suspected as being colonies of parasites!
Surely it is obvious that this is what we are seeing among people nowadays?
Now I ask myself.... WHY would an intelligent man like Clif High always avoid mentioning the horrors of electro-magnetic radiation? I can only assume that he is as keen to see the advent of the Internet of Things as any Black Nobility Club of Rome obedience freak.
Then when you consider his life's work is dependent on people continuing to use the internet it becomes obvious that he won't say anything which might reduce his legacy to a hill of beans.
Wikipedia says this about him:
"Web Bot is an internet bot computer program whose developers claim is able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the internet. It was developed in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends. The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via the website."
If he had one iota of integrity he would being telling the internet to get hard-wired and to ditch Wifi...... THAT is why I have serious 'reservations' about Clif High, his Web Bot Project and his selective self-preserving reports!
I a not down on Cliff High. He's a paranoiac. During the peak of convid splandemic propaganda, he was promoting shredding. He's nuts. And he is not corresponding in any way to what I consider an intelligent being. His avoidance of speaking of EMF radiation could be compare to Coppolino's and friends raw power deployed to nullify oxide graphene hypothesis as a tool of poisoning the herds to get control over everything. Scoglio, the italian calamari, and even Lanka, are bold graphene deniers. 5G needs graphene oxide and mostly graphene hydroxide (and other heavy metals, metal debris etc) to acheive its fully deadly goal. You don't even have to go up to the 'remote' nanoparticules theory to understand that 'adjuvants' alone with conducting non biological stuff inside the body is wrong when not lethal. No more time to loose with those parrots and paecoks.
I was a big fan of Scoglio until I listened to his interview with Coppolino a few months back where he claimed the self-assembling nanotech in jabs is result of CGI and there's no GO/GH in them either. I also heard Lanka say something similar during an interview with Kate Sugat a long time ago. Wondering what game Scoglio is playing. Coppolino is also a very slippery character.
To try answer your question about the Calamari. I asked myself the same. Well, Scoglio presents himself (him and his chief editor Coppolino) as Nobel Prize Nominee 2019 or something. I think he will got it soon ;-)
c'est ca qu'il vise tu penses?
Lanka BS here:
My original comment in french
« Wow! Quel beau spectacle de mauvaise foi. Lanka n'était pas en forme de jour-là. J'ai rarement vu une réponse aussi emberlificotée. Et en plus, il dit qu'il y a a effectivement du graphène dans les vaccins, mais « juste un peu »! C'est hilarant et malaisant à la fois. Les deux pauvres bouffons psyoppés semblent même découragés de la triste performance de leur poulain. Autre fait complètement inepte dans cet extrait : le chantre de l'inexistence des virus nous fait l'apologie de la conservation des vaccins! Je suis désolé, mais c'est trop pour moi. Bye bye Lanka, dans la poubelle de l'opposition contrôlée! »
Same path here Kerrylyn. I have listened and read those two very carefully. Scoglio never impressed me. I lost the series of commentaries I made live when he came out of nowhere to add his grain of salt in the covid porridge. Coppolino has an inside failure as far as I can observe: pride. He would die not to be the right guy with the right opinion/perception. I gave up when I read through the commentaries that he was the 'editor' of the last calamari's paper, an authentic typical scientific denying as I like them... This is not that because bla bla bla, and ii's not graphene, it's graphite... and bla bla bla, not a single rock solid concrete argument in this paper, only bad faith scolar paper, not even solid or interesting, he's running after Campra's ass the whole raggish and dishonest paper, and he's not even able to take into account of the very important distinction between GO and GH... He never mentioned Andreas Noack's works, well, I wrote to Tom Cowan that the guy (Scoglio) should continue to read studies and books, because that's probably all he can do. He's of no use when you come (and you should) to reality, meaning clots, dead bodys, health problems... etc. I am no more interested in this clown and neither in the highjack Coppolino lost in his chronology. Coming to Lanka, I will send you the links to the interwiew you are talking about, with my succint commentaries. Out Lanka too. I still rely on Samantha Bailey. Coppolino too also btw, him and his old alt-right farting dog, the Rappoport's poor clone, Jeffrey Strahl. I hope not to become one day such the brooms they got in their asses. Well, waisting my time and saliva again. I'll send you the link and comment on Lanka, you judge yourself. Strahl (Coppolinoo's dog and best follower and yes men) once banned me for life from intervening into his papal bulls eyes (his comments, you see), because I was calling the Bailey's the Beagle's, because they both have puppy faces. Don't seek for humor in those white sepulcrum roads. Anyways. Samantha and Mark Baileys agreed that there is graphene in the shots. I respect their arguments, because their demonstrations are based on a decent base of logic and intuition. Scoglio is just the service basher. I could never trace the line between stupidity and native stubbornness on one side, and deliberate intentions to harm or deceive. There is a lot of that mix in the covid shit commentators. My last opinion is that it is a trap. A babbling trap for believers and truth seekers. Isn't it all obvious, no?
I look forward to the links. I agree with you 100%. I had a run-in with both Coppolino & Strahl in comments on his interview with Scoglio. Are you saying Strahl is actually Rappoport's sock puppet? Do you know whether Campra or LQC have reacted to Scoglio's paper? I haven't seen anything. Maybe they've decided to ignore it.
Yes, I understand. I also have misgivings about him. With regard to EMF and Covid, I was highly suspicious when Covid in Japan only took off after 5G first came into service in March, 2020, and the Olympics were then postponed. I did not know it at the time; but it does seem there is a pattern going back to the introduction of the telegraph!
You want to see some crazy patterns of nefariousness? Check out Archaix.com for a complete chronological history of this matrix reality.
I made a post from my comment above... have to run now, late for swimming/spa! Catchya later xx
I mean, there’s even a video clip from about a decade ago of a local news weatherman saying the wispy “clouds” people are seeing is from planes spraying coal fly ash. This was in Oregon, I believe.
I really want to see that clip, if it exists. Please post a link.
There was a local reporter from Arizona that said in coming chemtrails are in the forecast! Then showed the skyline! It was on YouTube! That is where I saw it probably 10 years ago, before they all signed disclosures
Small town meteorologist had various slips years ago!
Wispy became a word used, along with patchwork clouds
Frequency clouds, or chemical oil slicks appearing in the sky, like oil in a rain storm! Military rents planes!
You have regular pilots making runs for the money!
Get a big enough zoom and you can read the labels on the plane!
That’s what I did saw for myself!
You have the military and the free market going cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
Fueling it all is their overblown egos! The human race to prestige and fame!
I am just a common folk! I know what I see! I hear nature crying everyday!
Reminds me of kids with no friends in high school now getting even!
All of them soulless with no human thoughts!
Taking their orders from the digital god their building!
Just look how fast the nations water went to shit!
Use to be just a few broken down cites, now it’s the world!
Digital madness singularity total compliance to the machine!
They have been flooding out farm people across the globe for twenty years. Dropping temperatures after a early spring grow season
They hit the coffee years ago, corn fields with there land hurricanes etc! Watch for a October surprise weather wise! Another stupid storm sandy!
Shit they turned off the rain in IRAN!
Every coup in the Middle East started with months of weather warfare!
These people are digital machines! Humans have feelings!Nature has been abused like a young girl in a whore house!
We are in a arms race to see who controls the machine!
That would be good to find. Reminds me that the folks at Environmental Health Trust have curated about 16 vintage CNN reports warning viewers about Cell Phone Radiation, Cancer, and EMR Mind Control. With your research skills, perhaps a lead for how to find others clips? Just a kind gesture from a kindly old and curious lady.
CNN Reports Cell Phones and Cancer - 16 vintage videos
Well, it was from quite a few years ago and I’m going off memory. There’s a good possibility it’s on Dane Wiggington’s site Geoengineeringwatch.org in his archives somewhere.
I've got a photo you're gonna love. Can you contact me via email and I'll send it to you. Apparently I cannot post here. Karen Koshgarian twokandoux@comcast.net
I do have tons of chemtrails tracings photos from idiotic Canada. Dan Fournier did a grat job on the topic on his substack, the best I know by now.
Dan is epic. A guy after my own heart. We were on GFC together, watch here
Dan is amazzzzzzing!
Hi, I’m glad I found you! This interview with Jim Lee is the best I’ve seen on geoengineering. I posted it to Solari Circles. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff, thanks.
I count on you to steer us in the right direction. Thanks, Jim.
Hi Jim, you and your readers may enjoy a rather clever and humorous educational music video. The creators says he wrote it all himself.
"No Amount of Evidence (will ever persuade an idiot)" - Conspiracy Music Guru
Thank-you for the interview. I am trying to learn as much as possible about geoengineering. It is a topic that everyone should have at least a basic understanding of.
Sorry for posting second time but thought you would be interested in following comment. Hi Jim, planes can fly without heavy metals and black carbon using 1940s prometheuus synfuel tech, quaise geothermal electricity, and otto aviation aerodynamics. Don't need magical batteries. prometheusfuels.com, https://www.quaise.energy/news, https://www.ottoaviation.com/. By the way, back in the day I was a fly on the wall re movers and shakers you mention in some of your talks.
Restacked and loved it! See my comment.