Is Weather Control Real?
Have companies and governments achieved enough "control" to justify geoengineering?
The question is simple: do They™ “control” the weather or are They™ attempting to “control” the weather leading to unintended and possibly deadly consequences? I explore the semantics of “weather control” in two videos below. I encourage you, the astute reader, to watch both of these videos, review the supporting links below, and let me know in the comments what you think.
There’s a special bonus video after the references which ties this topic to my next article. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber and supporting my work.
Weather Control is NOT Real
Weather Control is Real
Check the References
Cloud Seeding in unproven science after 79 years!
Can the US Government Control the Weather? A New Report Says Not Really
Cloud Seeding Technology: Assessing Effectiveness and Other Challenges. Government Accountability Office, December 2024
Cloud seeding may increase water availability and result in economic, environmental, and human health benefits. In the studies GAO reviewed, estimates of the additional precipitation ranged from 0 to 20 percent. However, it is difficult to evaluate the effects of cloud seeding due to limitations of effectiveness research.Does Cloud Seeding Work? Weather Modification: Chemical and Electric Weather Control
National Research Council, et al. "Critical issues in weather modification research." National Academies Press, (2003)
Although 40 years have passed since the first NAS report on weather modification, this Committee finds itself very much in concurrence with the findings of that assessment… We conclude that the initiation of large-scale operational weather modification programs would be premature. Many fundamental problems must be answered first.Silverman, Bernard A. "A critical assessment of hygroscopic seeding of convective clouds for rainfall enhancement." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84.9 (2003): 1219-1230. • DOWNLOAD PDF
It was concluded that tests conducted so far have not yet provided either the statistical or physical evidence required to establish that the seeding concepts have been scientifically proven.”The change in the timing (and location) and/or increased intensity of the rain or alteration in the size spectrum of raindrops may produce an enhanced downdraft, the gust front from which will trigger the successive development of more vigorous second-, third-, and fourth-generation cells than those from unseeded clouds, and they will produce more rain than their unseeded counterparts.
The Edwards Aquifer – Cloud Seeding (2007)
In 2007, the EAA approved cloud seeding efforts for the ninth year in a row, and for the first time the program included a method to statistically evaluate the project’s effectiveness. Four Board members voted against continuing the program, saying there was evidence that cloud seeding could actually decrease rainfall by accident, and they also had concerns about the EAA paying for scientific studies to investigate something the National Academy had already concluded doesn’t work."Executive Summary of the WMO Statement on Weather Modification." World Meteorological Society Expert Team on Weather Modification Research, (2010). • DOWNLOAD PDF
Purposeful augmentation of precipitation, reduction of hail damage, dispersion of fog and other types of cloud and storm modifications by cloud seeding are developing technologies which are still striving to achieve a sound scientific foundation."Draft Exectutive Summary, The Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program." Wyoming Water Developement Commision, (2014). • DOWNLOAD PDF • 3D Map • More Info
Analysis showed that cloud seeding produced a 3 percent increase in precipitation with a 28 percent probability that this result happened by chance. Most scientists and statisticians wouldn’t accept that level of uncertainty, says Breed, who was part of the NCAR team that analyzed the results, but for water managers in drought-prone areas, it’s a different story. “If you say, I’m 70 percent confident that this will have an impact, well, a lot of them will think that’s not too bad.”Soldatenko, Sergei, and Rafael Yusupov. "On the possible use of geophysical cybernetics in climate manipulation (geoengineering) and weather modification." WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2015): 116-125. • DOWNLOAD PDF
It is necessary to point out that many attempts and experiments to modify the atmospheric processes and weather phenomena have been made in the previous century. However, both geoengineering and weather modification are considered outside the scope of control theory. This gives rise to a number of very important problems, which are currently only formulated in general terms, such as problems related to the validation of the input and output variables, determination of the boundaries of both geoengineering activities and weather modification, statement of climate and weather manipulation goals as well as methods of achieving the objectives.Friedrich, Katja, et al. "Quantifying snowfall from orographic cloud seeding." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.10 (2020): 5190-5195. • DOWNLOAD PDF • See also: Cloud Seeding Really Does Work – But Only Makes Enough Snow to Dust Your Eyelashes
Although this study focuses only on three cases, the results are a fundamental step toward understanding cloud seeding efficacy that, for over half a century, has been an unanswered question for water managers wishing to utilize the technology for water resource management.Benjamini, Yoav, et al. "The Israel 4 Cloud Seeding Experiment: Primary Results." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 62.3 (2023): 317-327. • DOWNLOAD PDF
The Israel 4 experiment was stopped a year earlier than planned, because the result was disappointing: a 1.8% increase, p value = 0.4, and 95% confidence interval of (−11%, 16%). These results led to a decision by the Israel Water Authority to stop operational seeding.

Weather Modification and Weather Warfare by Governments
President Lyndon Johnson Approves Weather Warfare
”he who controls the weather will control the world” - Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962)Operation Popeye, Motorpool, Intermediary, Compatriot: Weather Warfare Over Vietnam
Goals:Softening road surfaces
Causing landslides along roadways
Washing out river crossings
Maintain saturated soil conditions beyond the normal time span.
CIA Project Nile Blue - Rain Embargo on Cuban Sugar Crops
“But the seeding near Cuba was to cause less rain, not more. It was supposed to squeeze rain out of clouds before they reached the island. You might say we tried to embargo rainclouds.”Reade, David. “Perception-vs-Reality: The True History of Weaponized Weather and Operation Popeye in Southeast Asia.” Journal of the Air Force Historical Foundation. Volume 71, Number 2, 2024. • DOWNLOAD PDF
Later, between 1966-75, a more operational phase of the Navy’s weaponized hurricane modification effort took place (sponsored by the same folks that ran rainmaking operations in SEA) whereby the Navy (China Lake) created, intensified, and steered hurricanes towards Cuba to wreak havoc on the Cuban economy - in an overall effort to destabilize the island nation’s agricultural industries, including sugar (cane), tobacco, coffee and bananas for export. This weaponized hurricane seeding operation was additionally offset by another covert cloud seeding/weaponized weather modification application, designed to strategically cause severe “droughts” in Cuba, again to destabilize their agricultural exports and cause a cascading economic collapse of the Cuban economy.The Russian Woodpecker, Chernobyl Meltdown, and Ionospheric Heating Over the USA (1983-1986)
Last Christmas (1983) the low temperature records in 21 states and 60 cities were broken. According to the National Severe Storms Forecast Center in Kansas City (MO) , twelve cities shattered all known records for record low December temperatures. While this was going on, December in Europe was unseasonably warm. Paris was basking in temperatures ranging as high as 70 degrees. Notwithstanding the drain on the energy resources of North America, the cold weather here during December caused the deaths of 138 persons and damaged many millions of dollars worth of crops.
Dr. Michrowski postulates that the Soviet ELF signals are pulses on a frequency of 31.5 Hz and have caused "giant standing wave troughs in the Rocky Mountains" between Alberta and New Mexico, and another through the eastern United States.Russian Cloud Seeding Prevents Chernobyl’s Radioactive Rains Reaching Moscow April 26, 1986
In the sleepy towns of southern Belarus, villagers looked up to see planes with strange yellow and grey contrails snaking across the sky. Next day, 27 April, powerful winds kicked up, cumulus clouds billowed on the horizon, and rain poured down in a deluge.
If Operation Cyclone had not been top secret, the headline would have been spectacular: “Scientists using advanced technology save Russian cities from technological disaster!”
Major Aleksei Grushin repeatedly took to the skies above Chernobyl and Belarus and used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would "wash out" radioactive particles drifting towards densely populated cities (Moscow).Chinese Weather Modification at the Beijing Olympics (2008)
DID IT WORK? Youtube video: Beijing Olympic rain
To prevent rain over the roofless 91,000-seat Olympic stadium that Beijing natives have nicknamed the Bird’s Nest, the city’s branch of the national Weather Modification Office–itself a department of the larger China Meteorological Administration–has prepared a three-stage program for the 2008 Olympics this August.
First, Beijing’s Weather Modification Office will track the region’s weather via satellites, planes, radar, and an IBM p575 supercomputer, purchased from Big Blue last year, that executes 9.8 trillion floating point operations per second. It models an area of 44,000 square kilometers (17,000 square miles) accurately enough to generate hourly forecasts for each kilometer.
Then, using their two aircraft and an array of twenty artillery and rocket-launch sites around Beijing, the city’s weather engineers will shoot and spray silver iodide and dry ice into incoming clouds that are still far enough away that their rain can be flushed out before they reach the stadium.
Finally, any rain-heavy clouds that near the Bird’s Nest will be seeded with chemicals to shrink droplets so that rain won’t fall until those clouds have passed over. Zhang Qian, head of Beijing’s Weather Modification Office, explains, “We use a coolant made from liquid nitrogen to increase the number of droplets while decreasing their average size. As a result, the smaller droplets are less likely to fall, and precipitation can be reduced.” August is part of Northeast Asia’s rainy season; chances of precipitation over Beijing on any day that month will approach 50 percent. Still, while tests with clouds bearing heavy rain loads haven’t always been successful, Qian claims that “the results with light rain have been satisfactory.”Iran Accuses Israel of Cloud Theft (2011-2024)
Joint teams from Israel and one of the neighboring countries make the clouds entering into Iran barren. Moreover, we are faced with the cases of cloud theft and snow theft," Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of Iran's Civil Defense Organization.May 2011 - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain'
September 2012 - Ahmadinejad accuses the West of 'stealing Iran's rain' AGAIN
May 2015 - Iran to expand cloud seeding
June 2018 - Iran Accuses Israel of Cloud Theft
December 2018 - Iran to carry out cloud seeding project by drones in weeks
May 2023 - Iran's "Cloudy" Accusations
January 2024 - Iran’s Next-Door Neighbor Accused Of Stealing Rain Clouds As Severe Drought Sweeps Through The Country - Iran Blames UAE
January 2024 - Iran says it has mastered new technology for cloud seeding
China ‘modified’ the weather to create clear skies for political celebration – study (2021)
Researchers say Beijing used cloud-seeding to create artificial rain and lower pollution in July, in latest example of ‘blueskying’ efforts
On Monday the South China Morning Post reported a recent research paper which found definitive signs that a cloud-seeding operation on the eve of the centenary had produced a marked drop in air pollution.
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Attack Ideas, Not People
❤️ you, mean it.
Jim Lee
We know with certainty that attempts at weather “control” is real. Chemical adulteration of our atmosphere is real. Ice Nucleation is real. How do you get “freeze” warnings in areas that barely fall below 40degrees for days and nights on end. How do you get “weather” people predicting rain that never occurs? The assault on our atmosphere is not subtle. It is real and it happens with alarming frequency which brings me to another crime against humanity .. frequencies that pummel the aerosolized clouds after the spraying has occurred. And we must realize, as climate hackers such as David Keith admit, that haven’t a clue as to affects of their playing God with the climate …
In my view, the claims of unpredictability and incompetence are indeed a smokescreen, a form of Drunken-style kung fu. People fall for it because it makes them feel more secure, even if it’s falsely sensed. Better to believe we are ruled by idiots rather than high-functioning psychopaths. But the former are simply useful to the latter.
Cloud seeding has always worked. Mount Greylock in Massachusetts in 1946 , Schaefer created the first human-made snowstorm. It worked, in the EAST of the US.
Looking over Project Cirrus run by GE, the Military and the Weather Bureau, you can see it WAS a success. They measurably increased precipitation – they did what it says on the can – job done.
It was only shut down after Langmuir’s hurricane slammed into Georgia, a low-yankee trick. He claimed success, the hurricane’s direction was indeed modified, which is disconcerting as he was supposed to be in the business of mitigation. Indeed, it is difficult to see how fuelling a hurricane can reduce its capacity for destruction. Whatever the case, the fellows in the business of litigation were not so pleased. GE’s lawyers told him not to boast about his achievement before the statute of limitations ran out. We can see the signs here of company and government officials attempting to play down the effects of cloud seeding, not because it doesn’t work but because of the consequences of a public awareness of official involvement with such activities.
They are merely covering their arses with this “uncertainty” bollocks.
Consider this. All the cloud seeding in the west of the US is actually INTENDED to cause the drought,
Cloud seeding is not snake oil. The problem is that it robs Peter to pay Paul.
If you force it to rain somewhere, somewhere else is not going to get that rain – drought.
Likewise, if you prevent it from raining somewhere, somewhere else is going to get too much rain – flooding.
The two opposing types of Cloud Seeding involve:
• Dispersing optimum numbers of ice nuclei for the purposes of enhancing precipitation.
• Over-seeding – dispersing too many ice nuclei for the purposes of reducing precipitation.
Predictability and ethics are the real limitations. Attempts to play down the effectiveness of cloud seeding are really a cynical means of avoiding legal liability for drought and floods. Obviously, this double-edged sword has military applications which are likely to remain under the radar.
I put it to you that there is a grand over-seeding operation in the western US which locks up the moisture and dumps it in the east. Distorted precipitation patterns over the last couple of decades bear this out, and it’s not climate change, rather changed climate.
And, sorry Jim, but commercial aircraft most certainly also play a role in this. Intentional “inadvertent” emission of artificial ice nuclei in the form of combustion ash on a massive scale is going to find its way down to those levels where overt cloud seeding occurs, locking up the moisture, and delaying precipitation in the cloud systems which move from west to east naturally.