We know with certainty that attempts at weather “control” is real. Chemical adulteration of our atmosphere is real. Ice Nucleation is real. How do you get “freeze” warnings in areas that barely fall below 40degrees for days and nights on end. How do you get “weather” people predicting rain that never occurs? The assault on our atmosphere is not subtle. It is real and it happens with alarming frequency which brings me to another crime against humanity .. frequencies that pummel the aerosolized clouds after the spraying has occurred. And we must realize, as climate hackers such as David Keith admit, that haven’t a clue as to affects of their playing God with the climate …
In my view, the claims of unpredictability and incompetence are indeed a smokescreen, a form of Drunken-style kung fu. People fall for it because it makes them feel more secure, even if it’s falsely sensed. Better to believe we are ruled by idiots rather than high-functioning psychopaths. But the former are simply useful to the latter.
Cloud seeding has always worked. Mount Greylock in Massachusetts in 1946 , Schaefer created the first human-made snowstorm. It worked, in the EAST of the US.
Looking over Project Cirrus run by GE, the Military and the Weather Bureau, you can see it WAS a success. They measurably increased precipitation – they did what it says on the can – job done.
It was only shut down after Langmuir’s hurricane slammed into Georgia, a low-yankee trick. He claimed success, the hurricane’s direction was indeed modified, which is disconcerting as he was supposed to be in the business of mitigation. Indeed, it is difficult to see how fuelling a hurricane can reduce its capacity for destruction. Whatever the case, the fellows in the business of litigation were not so pleased. GE’s lawyers told him not to boast about his achievement before the statute of limitations ran out. We can see the signs here of company and government officials attempting to play down the effects of cloud seeding, not because it doesn’t work but because of the consequences of a public awareness of official involvement with such activities.
They are merely covering their arses with this “uncertainty” bollocks.
Consider this. All the cloud seeding in the west of the US is actually INTENDED to cause the drought,
Cloud seeding is not snake oil. The problem is that it robs Peter to pay Paul.
If you force it to rain somewhere, somewhere else is not going to get that rain – drought.
Likewise, if you prevent it from raining somewhere, somewhere else is going to get too much rain – flooding.
The two opposing types of Cloud Seeding involve:
• Dispersing optimum numbers of ice nuclei for the purposes of enhancing precipitation.
• Over-seeding – dispersing too many ice nuclei for the purposes of reducing precipitation.
Predictability and ethics are the real limitations. Attempts to play down the effectiveness of cloud seeding are really a cynical means of avoiding legal liability for drought and floods. Obviously, this double-edged sword has military applications which are likely to remain under the radar.
I put it to you that there is a grand over-seeding operation in the western US which locks up the moisture and dumps it in the east. Distorted precipitation patterns over the last couple of decades bear this out, and it’s not climate change, rather changed climate.
And, sorry Jim, but commercial aircraft most certainly also play a role in this. Intentional “inadvertent” emission of artificial ice nuclei in the form of combustion ash on a massive scale is going to find its way down to those levels where overt cloud seeding occurs, locking up the moisture, and delaying precipitation in the cloud systems which move from west to east naturally.
R the train plans of CA, or, Newsom's dictates part of a larger agenda, a11 that is nodal? This was Rob D.'s thought about trains in Australia, the real estate acquisition, MIA now.
Lookoutfa Charlie has other very suspicious forensics about cars in the LA fires, indicating intent, unquestionably. Is it 'funny,' the N, that David Lynch gets caught with his pants down, I do love that man, but, "Fire walk with me?"
Remember, "Huge Long Lasting DEW Weapon Deployed aCROSS the Earth," B4 Maui, from Rob D.?
I saw someone post a few newspaper clippings from the 1950s-1970s about the experiments of the government to produce rain, hail, winds, aurora borealis, lightning etc. I forgot to save them. I'd like to see them if you can find them. Thanks for the information.
Thanks, Jim, for giving us as usual as objective a view as possible on this Frankenstein called "Geoengineering”.
The key for me as you wrote below is to challenge those who are hubristically trying to control the weather and get them to acknowledge "There is no control, only the illusion of it."
These would be demi-gods seem to have this inward drive to control what they believe to be "out of control", in this case, the weather/climate; and in doing so are ironically causing worse problems then the ones they are trying to (supposedly) solve.
Let us hope we can counter these control freaks with evidence of their inability to control.
There was an article along with it. I had it on an article of my own but the link is now broken.
Livingston describes seeding and nurturing a cloud during Project Popeye until it grew past the altitude of cirrus clouds, the freezing level. It reached well over 65,000 feet in 41 minutes. Given enough water vapour and aerosols there is virtually no limit to how large a cloud can grow.
Regarding Project Storm Fury,
Livingston asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government in the 60s and provides insight into how seeding hurricanes works:
“The reason the cloud doesn’t expand on its own in most cases is the fact that there is a lot of moisture but there’s no nuclei, there’s nothing for the moisture to stick to. So, when you provide the silver iodide nuclei, it causes the water to coalesce to that nuclei, and what it does, it releases heat, which means everything starts to rise. If you produce enough nuclei at the right places in a cloud, there’s essentially no limit to how fast and how far it will grow, because it just keeps releasing heat as it goes up, and of course the heat keeps trying to rise”
How many aircraft are required to seed a hurricane?
Surprisingly, two small aircraft would be enough and as the cloud seeding nuclei are extremely small, weight and volume are not an issue.
“You don’t measure these particulates in terms of tons, you measure them in terms of half-pounds. So, a cloud seeding device with 14 grams of Silver Iodide mixture in it that produces ten to the thirteen nuclei per gram, weighs about a third of a pound. So four hundred of those things weighs a hundred and twenty pounds.”
How can intensifying cloud formation, the fuel for storms, possibly lead to mitigation of a hurricane?
Livingston explains:
“The hypothesis for how to do this had been designed by Dr Joanne Simpson and her husband Dr Robert Simpson was the director of Project Storm Fury for a number of years. And we followed her hypothesis which said that if you seed enough cloud in the right front quadrant of where the energy cells are, you may build a second eye or at the minimum, make the original eye much bigger, which makes you have a reduction in wind velocity.”
According to Livingston, the method was a resounding success:
“On August 18th 1969, Hurricane Debbie was seeded 5 times in two-hour intervals and the maximum wind speeds decreased from 115 to 80 mph, a pretty remarkable reduction of more than 45% in damage reduction potential. The cloud was… the storm was left alone on the 19th and on the 20th we went back and seeded that cloud the second time, it decreased the winds again to just under 100 miles per hour of about 24% more damage reduction potential.”
Despite its proclaimed success, the project had its opponents. A number of scientists demanded that a third party investigate. Stanford University was the institution chosen for the task and they confirmed the results of Storm Fury. Despite this official validation, it seems the project was eventually killed from within. Researchers at NOAA came up with the requirement that for a hurricane to be seeded, it had to pass through a geographical region that had had no history of a hurricane ever reaching land from. According to Livingston, this “area of improbability” ensured that no hurricanes were experimented on for ten years and the powers that be, deciding the aerial reconnaissance to be too expensive, closed down the project.
You can see here the lengths that the powers that shouldn’t be are willing to go to keep these activities under the radar.
Livingston was later to be invited to head a team responsible for global weather modification very much resembling Zworykin’s proposed paramilitary force.
“My contribution at Corona was to write a plan for Weather Modification control for the whole world at any given time. We could send a number of air planes with materials and the dispensing equipment we had, and probably control the weather all round the world”
“Well there are only from five to seven major troughs around the world at any given time and they undulate just like ocean waves, move back and forth and back and forth, and any time there’s a front, associated with those where all the thunderstorms are located and with having a few airplanes, having a couple of airplanes at the right place, you could run down that line of thunderstorms and do whatever you wanted to with them.”
My article is here. I wrote it years ago. I can see now I even included a link to your website. I also covered the Lynmouth Flood disaster in 1952 in England which killed quite a few people. I’m a Brit and visited Lynmouth a few years ago. The evidence is strong that it was related to Operation Cumulus or Operation Witchdoctor as it was known by RAF pilots.
I used to be a paid subscriber to Jim but not any longer, something doesn't seem right about him. By the way has anyone been to the address that he posts does he really live there. Sorry to be a 'kill Joy' but I just had to say it.
Jim if I am wrong about you I apologise and wish you every success.
It saddens me to hear you say this Terry. If you are sensing that something is wrong, you're right. I did what I set out to do: prove to the world that weather modification, geoengineering, and space weather modification were not conspiracy theories. I have amassed the world's largest proof of that: in articles, videos, timelines, maps, and huge newspaper vaults.
So what's wrong? Finding meaning in continuing to talk about weather control when everyone wants to hear what they want to hear and attacks my character when they misunderstand or disagree with my conclusions.
As Phar Percheron said, that is my address and I have received mail from her and many others.
I'm just a guy living in Sumter, South Carolina, trying to find meaning in educating a public that decreasingly want to support my work on top of being the most shadow-banned person talking about weather modification and geoengineering (since 2015) on the internet.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!! I have the same misgivings about Mr Lee. So much knowledge and experience yet some of the things he says these days seem to not make sense given the volume of research he presents.
I was simply questioning the meaning of the word control, and by claiming that They™ have control is giving them more credit than they're due.
Or, maybe, they have more control than we think and all the scientific claims saying cloud seeding is completely unpredictable is a side-show distraction.
Methinks the former is more likely than the latter.
They have no control. They want control. The want to the perception of control. They make money off of control. They want to control all resources: land, sea, air, and humans.
But do they have "control" over any of these. They certainly have influence over them and they modify them.
I think when I really put my inner ideas out there that people simply don't want to understand WHY I am even asking the question.
Question everything. Believe none of what you hear, and only half that you see.
Isn't "modification" the word They™ use, rather than "control"? For sure, They™ would like kontrol of the weather, just - as you rightly say - They™ want kontrol of everything and everyone - full-spectrum dominance, in fact?
We know with certainty that attempts at weather “control” is real. Chemical adulteration of our atmosphere is real. Ice Nucleation is real. How do you get “freeze” warnings in areas that barely fall below 40degrees for days and nights on end. How do you get “weather” people predicting rain that never occurs? The assault on our atmosphere is not subtle. It is real and it happens with alarming frequency which brings me to another crime against humanity .. frequencies that pummel the aerosolized clouds after the spraying has occurred. And we must realize, as climate hackers such as David Keith admit, that haven’t a clue as to affects of their playing God with the climate …
"haven’t a clue as to affects of their playing God with the climate"
And that's at the heart of this article and videos. There is no control, only the illusion of it.
In my view, the claims of unpredictability and incompetence are indeed a smokescreen, a form of Drunken-style kung fu. People fall for it because it makes them feel more secure, even if it’s falsely sensed. Better to believe we are ruled by idiots rather than high-functioning psychopaths. But the former are simply useful to the latter.
Cloud seeding has always worked. Mount Greylock in Massachusetts in 1946 , Schaefer created the first human-made snowstorm. It worked, in the EAST of the US.
Looking over Project Cirrus run by GE, the Military and the Weather Bureau, you can see it WAS a success. They measurably increased precipitation – they did what it says on the can – job done.
It was only shut down after Langmuir’s hurricane slammed into Georgia, a low-yankee trick. He claimed success, the hurricane’s direction was indeed modified, which is disconcerting as he was supposed to be in the business of mitigation. Indeed, it is difficult to see how fuelling a hurricane can reduce its capacity for destruction. Whatever the case, the fellows in the business of litigation were not so pleased. GE’s lawyers told him not to boast about his achievement before the statute of limitations ran out. We can see the signs here of company and government officials attempting to play down the effects of cloud seeding, not because it doesn’t work but because of the consequences of a public awareness of official involvement with such activities.
They are merely covering their arses with this “uncertainty” bollocks.
Consider this. All the cloud seeding in the west of the US is actually INTENDED to cause the drought,
Cloud seeding is not snake oil. The problem is that it robs Peter to pay Paul.
If you force it to rain somewhere, somewhere else is not going to get that rain – drought.
Likewise, if you prevent it from raining somewhere, somewhere else is going to get too much rain – flooding.
The two opposing types of Cloud Seeding involve:
• Dispersing optimum numbers of ice nuclei for the purposes of enhancing precipitation.
• Over-seeding – dispersing too many ice nuclei for the purposes of reducing precipitation.
Predictability and ethics are the real limitations. Attempts to play down the effectiveness of cloud seeding are really a cynical means of avoiding legal liability for drought and floods. Obviously, this double-edged sword has military applications which are likely to remain under the radar.
I put it to you that there is a grand over-seeding operation in the western US which locks up the moisture and dumps it in the east. Distorted precipitation patterns over the last couple of decades bear this out, and it’s not climate change, rather changed climate.
And, sorry Jim, but commercial aircraft most certainly also play a role in this. Intentional “inadvertent” emission of artificial ice nuclei in the form of combustion ash on a massive scale is going to find its way down to those levels where overt cloud seeding occurs, locking up the moisture, and delaying precipitation in the cloud systems which move from west to east naturally.
I thoroughly enjoyed your comment and included it on air at the end of my video here:
Cool. Whenever I post comments like that under Youtube weather mod videos they get taken down faster than a Frenchman's trousers.
R the train plans of CA, or, Newsom's dictates part of a larger agenda, a11 that is nodal? This was Rob D.'s thought about trains in Australia, the real estate acquisition, MIA now.
Lookoutfa Charlie has other very suspicious forensics about cars in the LA fires, indicating intent, unquestionably. Is it 'funny,' the N, that David Lynch gets caught with his pants down, I do love that man, but, "Fire walk with me?"
Remember, "Huge Long Lasting DEW Weapon Deployed aCROSS the Earth," B4 Maui, from Rob D.?
I saw someone post a few newspaper clippings from the 1950s-1970s about the experiments of the government to produce rain, hail, winds, aurora borealis, lightning etc. I forgot to save them. I'd like to see them if you can find them. Thanks for the information.
Phar was close =)
They are here https://weathermodificationhistory.com/newspapers/
Did you look in weathermodificationhistory.com?
Thanks, Jim, for giving us as usual as objective a view as possible on this Frankenstein called "Geoengineering”.
The key for me as you wrote below is to challenge those who are hubristically trying to control the weather and get them to acknowledge "There is no control, only the illusion of it."
These would be demi-gods seem to have this inward drive to control what they believe to be "out of control", in this case, the weather/climate; and in doing so are ironically causing worse problems then the ones they are trying to (supposedly) solve.
Let us hope we can counter these control freaks with evidence of their inability to control.
Get free, stay free.
It’s control Jim, but not as we know it…
I wonder if you have this old interview on Infowars on your website.
Alex Jones interviewed Ben Livingston veteran of Project Popeye and Project Stormfury. Quite insightful.
Hurricane Modification PILOT TELLS ALL !!! Project StormFury!!! Why 'FRANKENSTORM'
There was an article along with it. I had it on an article of my own but the link is now broken.
Livingston describes seeding and nurturing a cloud during Project Popeye until it grew past the altitude of cirrus clouds, the freezing level. It reached well over 65,000 feet in 41 minutes. Given enough water vapour and aerosols there is virtually no limit to how large a cloud can grow.
Regarding Project Storm Fury,
Livingston asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government in the 60s and provides insight into how seeding hurricanes works:
“The reason the cloud doesn’t expand on its own in most cases is the fact that there is a lot of moisture but there’s no nuclei, there’s nothing for the moisture to stick to. So, when you provide the silver iodide nuclei, it causes the water to coalesce to that nuclei, and what it does, it releases heat, which means everything starts to rise. If you produce enough nuclei at the right places in a cloud, there’s essentially no limit to how fast and how far it will grow, because it just keeps releasing heat as it goes up, and of course the heat keeps trying to rise”
How many aircraft are required to seed a hurricane?
Surprisingly, two small aircraft would be enough and as the cloud seeding nuclei are extremely small, weight and volume are not an issue.
“You don’t measure these particulates in terms of tons, you measure them in terms of half-pounds. So, a cloud seeding device with 14 grams of Silver Iodide mixture in it that produces ten to the thirteen nuclei per gram, weighs about a third of a pound. So four hundred of those things weighs a hundred and twenty pounds.”
How can intensifying cloud formation, the fuel for storms, possibly lead to mitigation of a hurricane?
Livingston explains:
“The hypothesis for how to do this had been designed by Dr Joanne Simpson and her husband Dr Robert Simpson was the director of Project Storm Fury for a number of years. And we followed her hypothesis which said that if you seed enough cloud in the right front quadrant of where the energy cells are, you may build a second eye or at the minimum, make the original eye much bigger, which makes you have a reduction in wind velocity.”
According to Livingston, the method was a resounding success:
“On August 18th 1969, Hurricane Debbie was seeded 5 times in two-hour intervals and the maximum wind speeds decreased from 115 to 80 mph, a pretty remarkable reduction of more than 45% in damage reduction potential. The cloud was… the storm was left alone on the 19th and on the 20th we went back and seeded that cloud the second time, it decreased the winds again to just under 100 miles per hour of about 24% more damage reduction potential.”
Despite its proclaimed success, the project had its opponents. A number of scientists demanded that a third party investigate. Stanford University was the institution chosen for the task and they confirmed the results of Storm Fury. Despite this official validation, it seems the project was eventually killed from within. Researchers at NOAA came up with the requirement that for a hurricane to be seeded, it had to pass through a geographical region that had had no history of a hurricane ever reaching land from. According to Livingston, this “area of improbability” ensured that no hurricanes were experimented on for ten years and the powers that be, deciding the aerial reconnaissance to be too expensive, closed down the project.
You can see here the lengths that the powers that shouldn’t be are willing to go to keep these activities under the radar.
Livingston was later to be invited to head a team responsible for global weather modification very much resembling Zworykin’s proposed paramilitary force.
“My contribution at Corona was to write a plan for Weather Modification control for the whole world at any given time. We could send a number of air planes with materials and the dispensing equipment we had, and probably control the weather all round the world”
“Well there are only from five to seven major troughs around the world at any given time and they undulate just like ocean waves, move back and forth and back and forth, and any time there’s a front, associated with those where all the thunderstorms are located and with having a few airplanes, having a couple of airplanes at the right place, you could run down that line of thunderstorms and do whatever you wanted to with them.”
My article is here. I wrote it years ago. I can see now I even included a link to your website. I also covered the Lynmouth Flood disaster in 1952 in England which killed quite a few people. I’m a Brit and visited Lynmouth a few years ago. The evidence is strong that it was related to Operation Cumulus or Operation Witchdoctor as it was known by RAF pilots.
Something for your wife.....
I used to be a paid subscriber to Jim but not any longer, something doesn't seem right about him. By the way has anyone been to the address that he posts does he really live there. Sorry to be a 'kill Joy' but I just had to say it.
Jim if I am wrong about you I apologise and wish you every success.
It saddens me to hear you say this Terry. If you are sensing that something is wrong, you're right. I did what I set out to do: prove to the world that weather modification, geoengineering, and space weather modification were not conspiracy theories. I have amassed the world's largest proof of that: in articles, videos, timelines, maps, and huge newspaper vaults.
So what's wrong? Finding meaning in continuing to talk about weather control when everyone wants to hear what they want to hear and attacks my character when they misunderstand or disagree with my conclusions.
As Phar Percheron said, that is my address and I have received mail from her and many others.
I'm just a guy living in Sumter, South Carolina, trying to find meaning in educating a public that decreasingly want to support my work on top of being the most shadow-banned person talking about weather modification and geoengineering (since 2015) on the internet.
Well, I sent a letter to the address, and apparently it was received.
Curious what you feel is not right.
Come to Jim's Telegram chat and let's talk about it. https://t.me/climateviewerchat
Thank you Thank you Thank you!! I have the same misgivings about Mr Lee. So much knowledge and experience yet some of the things he says these days seem to not make sense given the volume of research he presents.
Could be that the more you know, the more complicated reality looks. Some cognitive dissonance might come into play when all the facts are laid out.
I was simply questioning the meaning of the word control, and by claiming that They™ have control is giving them more credit than they're due.
Or, maybe, they have more control than we think and all the scientific claims saying cloud seeding is completely unpredictable is a side-show distraction.
Methinks the former is more likely than the latter.
They have no control. They want control. The want to the perception of control. They make money off of control. They want to control all resources: land, sea, air, and humans.
But do they have "control" over any of these. They certainly have influence over them and they modify them.
I think when I really put my inner ideas out there that people simply don't want to understand WHY I am even asking the question.
Question everything. Believe none of what you hear, and only half that you see.
Isn't "modification" the word They™ use, rather than "control"? For sure, They™ would like kontrol of the weather, just - as you rightly say - They™ want kontrol of everything and everyone - full-spectrum dominance, in fact?
Are They™ still focused on cloud seeding? Haven't They™ moved on to energetic and other forms of weather modification?