I'm glad you're posting here, Jim. This way, the truth and motives behind all the evil goings-on have an even greater chance of reaching as many people as possible.

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Yes, thanks Jim, keep posting.

What comes to mind as the ludicrous equivalent to the murder/suicide Geoengineering ongoing you report on, is the salubrious slaughter in the Middle-Ages of the Knights vying and dying for their Princesses in testosterone tournaments to prove Manhood. The male Egos are still at it as ever. Ugh. All a product of persons who need to control something other than themselves.

Mark this quote well:

“Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends. The percentage of positively malignant, vicious, or depraved persons is necessarily small, for no species could survive if its members were habitually and consciously bent upon injuring one another. Certainly if the harm done by willful criminals were to be computed, the number of murders, the extent of damage and loss, would be found negligible in the sum total of death and devastation wrought upon human beings by their kind. Therefore it is obvious when millions are slaughtered, when torture is practiced, starvation enforced, oppression made a policy, as at present over a large part of the world, and as it has often been in the past, it must be at the behest of very many good people, and even by their direct action, for what they consider a worthy object. The humanitarian wishes to be a prime mover in the lives of others. He cannot admit either the divine or the natural order, by which men have the power to help themselves. The humanitarian puts himself in the place of God. But he is confronted by two awkward facts; first, that the competent do not need his assistance; and second, that the majority of people positively do not want to be "done good" by the humanitarian. Of course, what the humanitarian actually proposes is that he shall do what he thinks is good for everybody. It is at this point that the humanitarian sets up the guillotine.” Isabel Paterson

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You know what they plan when you read what they write:

Media campaign on artificial climate manipulation is in full swing - https://report24.news/medienkampagne-zur-kuenstlichen-klimamanipulation-laeuft-auf-hochtouren/

Medienkampagne zur künstlichen Klimamanipulation läuft auf Hochtouren - https://report24.news/medienkampagne-zur-kuenstlichen-klimamanipulation-laeuft-auf-hochtouren/

They will not stop unless we stop them.

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I have a take on the nature of air and water that dismisses the atmosphere being made up of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. When you read my article titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

It becomes a logical conclusion they LIE and LIE and LIE about anything that could benefit THEM and retard our knowledge.

Air is measured by its moisture content or humidity.

Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness. Eg medical oxygen has 67ppm of water.

Oxygen is a product manufactured from air NOT a constituent of air.

Air is stripped of water to become oxygen.

Oxygen is made into nitrogen by the addition of carbon particles. Nitrogen is the nonflammable version of oxygen. Both invented to solve metallurgical problems not medical. Both act as dehydraters. Once released from containment they will absorb moisture from their environment to become air.

Oxygen toxicity is directly related to dehydration of the respiratory system.

Air and water are the same element in different forms.

Water is not H2O. Both gases are flammable. Water puts out a fire. They share no properties.

Water is inert, always the carrier or container.

Air is bubbles

Water is full bubbles or drops

Add energy to water and bubbles escape.

The ocean’s waves make the air we breathe.

Remove energy from air, cold pressure, drops appear.

Thus the air water interchange.

Pressure is dependent on moisture content.

Low pressure is dry air

High pressure is deep still water.

Bubbles decrease pressure.

Water or full bubbles increase pressure.


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I’ve been reading your stack, v interesting, mind blown.

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Thank you

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It's always interesting to me that when I read something written by someone that I have heard speak I hear it in my head in their voice. I hear you loud and clear Jim. I even "see" in my mind the wink wink nudge nudge thing you do. Obviously I have a vivid imagination so the potential horror of what these "climate engineers" do is frightening. It's even more frightening that all of this nefarious activity is happening without a peep form the lamestream media.

I want to shout "wake up people!" but my voice is nothing in the scheme of things.

As always impeccable research and summary of what's going on in the world of climate engineering, thank you..

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These Psychopathic Demons need to be stopped, at any cost!

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I very much enjoy your http://weathermodificationhistory.com. The depth and breadth of your research is something that few do as it appears that all institutions are filled with rabbit holes of lies and deceit. You show quite a bit of them as it is an all out front to wipe out most life and all natural life off the earth.

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Thanks Jim. Welcome. Jeff Rense posted this nugget:

5G Is An Israeli Creation Of Mass Mind Control And More Key Companies Involved All Traceable To Israel. https://rense.com/general96/5g-is-an-israeli-creation-of-mass-mind-control.htm

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thank you

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Excellent overview Jim.

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