Yay!!! Please start with educating the Democrats and liberals...they are COMPLETELY brainwashed on this subject to believe it's humans causing "climate change"
As a Brit, I can't vote for you, Jim, but I can tell you that I am proud to know you and trust that you will be received positively by the people who can effect vitally important changes to the world.
Done! I voted for you and Reinette. Liked all the comments, except the ones promoting DW, left comments on a few of the good comments agreeing with them. Left a really good and long comment of my own - because I had a lot of good things to say about you ;)
I was vote 323, you now have 329 votes.
If you haven't voted yet people, do it now!
There were reports of people having trouble earlier. I had no problems at all, it was not bad. Just realize that once you sign up they will send you a verification email you have to open and click a link to activate your account.
Actually, I have spoken directly with the organizers of the site and they have assured me the nominations are being shared directly with the Trump and RFK Jr. team. If you're saying I don't get the chemtrail thing then clearly you haven't done enough homework.
Big thanks to Wetteradler for spreading the word and mobilizing the EU vote on the MAHA forum!
We are currently at 798 votes!
While I am against all governments, to have you in this one on this issue, that I will support.
Good luck, hope you make it.
Get free, stay free.
Yeah, caught me on this one!
I just want a chance to kick some bureaucrat ass.
The sprayed skypainting must cease and desist.
I am tired of breathing in their injextible satanic shit
Yay!!! Please start with educating the Democrats and liberals...they are COMPLETELY brainwashed on this subject to believe it's humans causing "climate change"
That's a promise.
As a Brit, I can't vote for you, Jim, but I can tell you that I am proud to know you and trust that you will be received positively by the people who can effect vitally important changes to the world.
That hasn't stopped many in the EU from voting, regardless thank you Frances!
Awesome - you are the most knowledgeable person to tackle this issue. Congratulations on the nomination.
Such good news! We pray! Reinette on board as well!!!
I voted and asked my Bible group to consider voting for you as well. I hope you make it because we need your experience in there!
Done! I voted for you and Reinette. Liked all the comments, except the ones promoting DW, left comments on a few of the good comments agreeing with them. Left a really good and long comment of my own - because I had a lot of good things to say about you ;)
I was vote 323, you now have 329 votes.
If you haven't voted yet people, do it now!
There were reports of people having trouble earlier. I had no problems at all, it was not bad. Just realize that once you sign up they will send you a verification email you have to open and click a link to activate your account.
Got my vote! Can't imagine anyone better.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
The eye...
YAY!...and please consider appointing Dane Wigington as advisor and team member. Onward!
Sorry to say James but I don't think you quite understand what is going on here...AT ALL!
Actually, I have spoken directly with the organizers of the site and they have assured me the nominations are being shared directly with the Trump and RFK Jr. team. If you're saying I don't get the chemtrail thing then clearly you haven't done enough homework.