Begs the question as to why these articles & memes were seeded into the public consciousness in the first place. Was it really about clicks & views. Maybe some of them were. Maybe some were deliberate intelligence agency disinfo. There has been a massive push to censor info on the web as misinformation/disinformation/malinformation. Planted stories like these could of helped form the basis & rationale for bringing in strict legislation that would effectively enable governments to have tighter internet control.

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Thank you for putting this together. I see these pictures all the time and once thought they were all intended for dousing us.

Do we have any images of what the set up of a C-130 looks like for their USAF Modular Aerial Spray System? A comparison would be nice to see. https://www.youngstown.afrc.af.mil/About/Fact-Sheets/Article/1807880/aerial-spray-mission/

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I have photos of the MASS system from Youngstown ARB Aerial Spraying Unit here:


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Ballast tanks are different than “chemtrail” MASS systems: “Each MASS unit can carry 2,000 gallons of pesticide, herbicide, or dispersant, but only one type of agent is carried at a time. The system consists of two 500-gallon stainless steel tanks, two 500-gallon aluminum tanks, one 200-gallon aluminum flush tank, in addition to pumps, pipes, and a control station. The heavier stainless steel tanks are required for agents that are corrosive to aluminum, which limits overall capacity for missions requiring those agents. The four main tanks are tilted up toward the flight deck to use gravity to help them drain completely.”


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High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie.

Why High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines Are Almost Incapable Of Producing Condensation Trails

We are told by all official sources, agencies, and elected officials, that all we are seeing in our skies are "condensation trails". They say that it is perfectly normal for this "condensation" to stay in the sky for hours or days, widening and spreading until whole horizons are completely blotted out. What we see is exactly what they say they want to do with solar radiation management (SRM), but they assure us that geoengineering is not actually going on, yet. Those that choose to believe these blatant lies simply do not yet want to wake up. Here is the fact of the matter, all commercial jet aircraft and all military tankers are fitted with a type of jet engine that is by design nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances, the high bypass turbofan.



The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof


The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )


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Actually those engines made bigger trails.

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Nice photos of planes. Do you know how, when and why contrails form?

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Oh dear. You haven't read a single study from the atmospheric scientists.

They have done numerous real world studies of contrails using standard passenger craft with high by-pass engines.

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Seems like a lot of people follow Dane Wigington, but it needs to be researched because there is so much he talks about that doesn't make sense...

Watch Jim here debunk him on The Dimming: https://rumble.com/v2tp33t-rfk-jr.-and-dane-wigington-reaction.html?start=338

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Dane finds himself repeating and repeating many things that begin to sound convoluted esp if you havent been following the evolution of this for 70 years. First cloud seeding was 1930. Ending of "contrails" (as explained above in engine improvements, 1985 thereabouts)

Irrefutable, is hundreds, nay, thousands of citizens at 30,000 feet taking video of doors opening and dispersant exploding into the air in powerful white streams for an hour, sent to Dane. He has decades of evidence. Samples taken by independent scientists have been shared worldwide showing not just the heavy metals strontium barium aluminum but copius amounts of nanofibers. We have been being dosed for a long time. Morgellons is the inexplicable self assembling fibers that wiggle up through the skin tormenting a percentage of humans with large open sores and crazymaking itching, with zero answers or relief from our illustrious medical community.

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Couldn’t agree more that the poisonous emissions and floating aerosols are indeed as much of a deadly scheme, we just need to find ways to hold particulates to people behind them.

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Jimmy is wrong, just who is he working for? He makes statements but offers no proof.

Why High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines Are Almost Incapable Of Producing Condensation Trails


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John Guy. You asked for it, so the next article and video I make will destroy this BS narrative. Dane telling you contrails aren't real and that high bypass engines can't make contrails is laughable and easily proven wrong. Not just wrong, in fact high bypass engines make MORE contrails and the fact that you're parroting his BS is actually kinda sad.

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A lot of folks are pointing fingers and saying "controlled op" it is interesting though when someone that does as much research to find out as much truth as possible gets pointed at. Before one does this they ought to realize with real eyes where the matter lies. I will endeavor to watch your video shares however... thanks for caring enuf to look for 'truths'.

So I'm curious then if you or Dane knows which airplanes use which engines then?

It has been stated from many sources we will begin to find out information that will be a very big conceptual brain fart!

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"Before one does this, they ought to realize with real eyes..."


Real lies

W/ Real Eyes

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Notice how the comments are turned off? That's because there were too many comments telling him he was wrong.

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'Jimmy' works for the public, trying to end this practice. Ever look at his website? He's been at this for a long time 'John Guy'.

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The High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines burn fuel more efficiently than their predecessors. More efficient burning means less carbonaceous material - less black carbon. Black carbon is hydrophobic and is anathema to cloud seeding, it absorbs solar radiation and warms the ambient air around it. What is left is the combustion ash - all the metal particulates that the cloud seeders and the clouds themselves are so fond of. Hey presto - chemtrails.

And yes, Black carbon IS used to form clouds but only by being emitted below the level of the cloud that is desired to be formed. The Black carbon heats the moisture in the surrounding air and causes it to rise and feed the cloud that is forming above.

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Disappointing as 38 mins in I can see he's just rehashing the old contrails are just water misinformation. Respect due, he knows his stuff about aircraft, not surprising as he's a pilot. However, he evidently doesn't know how cirrus clouds are really formed from aircraft. All the real science points the finger at particulates in the jet fuel that cause contrails and aviation induced cirrus to occur.

I agree with him that commercial airline pilots are not intentionally spraying anyone. They make easy targets unfortunately for them. I put it to you that it is the suppliers of the jet fuel that are doing the "spraying". Which corporations dominate the jet fuel industry? Exxon Mobil Corporation (US), Chevron Corporation (US), British Petroleum (UK), Shell (UK), etc. Yes, the old Seven Sisters cartel. I don't need to demonize THEM anymore than they have demonized themselves throughout the last hundred years or so. It's genius really, disguise cirrus cloud seeding as pollution emitted under the cover of commercial aircraft. Of course other aircraft are involved, but commercial aircraft are a MAJOR piece of the puzzle.

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Yeh the particulates in the fuels are a big problem but, once again, the original point of the high bypass engine designs creating less trails was derailed by other subjects.

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More cul-de-sacs that leave out particulates as the cause of cirrus cloud formation.

Ask yourself why they do this.

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Because they are talking about the design at that time.

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Metabunk.... Waste of time

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He created the Contrail Calculator that has served to assist a lot of people understand all those ‘lines in the sky’ claimed to be bug spray.

I wouldn’t call that a waste of time - cuts through a whole bunch of BS

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Not arguing on the validity of carbon black.

Purely on the design of the high bypass engine claims regarding trails.


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Commercial jets fly in regions of the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere with temperatures around -51°C and −60C respectively. That puts them in the always contrails zone, regardless of relative humidity.

So, to predict contrails, look up. That’s it.

Particulates not even mentioned. What a surprise.

H. Appleman, the scientist who developed the calculator in 1953 had nothing to do with Metabunk which is a website developed by Mick West. Before you can have any meaningful discussion with him and his cronies, they would first have to remove their heads from their derrieres.

They push the calculator, because, like virtually everything else they push on contrails, it pretends the phenomenon is merely turbulent water, leaving out the toxic cocktail of particulates that must be present before the water from the engine and the atmosphere (predominantly) nucleates into ice upon each particulate before the artificial cirrus clouds can form.

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Con/chemtrails (same same they are created by fuel pollutants & other available atmospheric particulates already prevalent - yes we agree on that, ok?!) are dependent not only upon temperature at a certain altitude - but dewpoint plays an equal part in the equation. Temperature alone - without the required dewpoint level will not produce a VISIBLE trail.

It’s as simple as that.

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Good we agree on the important point. But do you agree that this point is virtually erased from discussion in those circles?

The next point you make is not such a point of contention. First, look at the Appleman chart again, it is clear that at the temperatures that commercial aircraft fly in, relative humidity is not a factor. We can go on and on but it's ultimately not important because even when the aircraft sometimes traverse the lower parts of the troposphere at higher temperatures and RH being a factor, the particulates are still emitted into the atmosphere. These particulates hang around until water vapour becomes available and THEN form cirrus clouds.

“Aviation-induced cirrus can occur through two different pathways: via contrails spreading out and by injection of aerosols into the upper troposphere to provide ice nuclei that may subsequently form cirrus clouds [Lee et al., 2009].”

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Ok I think we agree on enough to call it agreeing …except for the bit we don’t quite agree on but I’m cool with agreeing to disagree.

The particulates - no matter where they are coming from (so many sources) are definitely the big, largely ignored, problem with the cirrus for sure.

We agree on that 😎👍

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I can illustrate this with data from almost anywhere in the world. It literally takes less than 5 minutes to find the spot with satellite images and then to prove it with data. The 'chems' are almost ALWAYS found at or near a cirrus cloud.

The people in Tennessee today are going to be upset if they look up. Look at what is coming in from the west. Contrails. But many will think it is chemtrails. Between 30,000 and 38,000 feet altitude looking at the Missouri radiosonde data, conditions are perfect for cirrus and contrails.




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Whether C-trails are seen or not is dependent on whether the temperature/content is conducive to formation.

We look at satellite and radiosonde data to determine that. In a previous life I was a weather forecaster, so I know about this intimately.

I'm including a satellite view that shows the c-trails very clearly. They stick out like a sore thumb. and cirrostratus in the sky if there is a contrail. It is rare to see a contrail without one of them white feathery clouds up there with it.


A cloud exists because the temperature and dew point are very close together. A cloud has an edge because that temperature dew point difference widens beyond a certain difference. For cirrus around 60% humidity is all you need (unlike lower in the atmosphere where it is warmer). When an aircraft approaches a cirrus cloud it adds moisture from the combustion of the kerosene. That narrows the T-DP spread because the DP (a measure of humidity) gets higher. So....you get a spike of a linear cloud coming out of the clouds (cirrostratus). In the middle of thick (red) clouds the spikes just get absorbed into the thick clouds and are not seen.


This is the radiosonde data for Tuscon. It clearly shows a very tight T-DP spread (dewpoint depression) over that location. Between 300 mb (30,000') and 200 mb (40,000') almost all areas have a tight spread less than 5 deg C. That equates to around 60% humidity, which is all it takes for c-trails to form and persist.


There is a persistence calculator to see if the jet exhaust trail will persist....to plug in numbers to see if the air is saturated enough for ice.


Get the numbers from this site College of Dupage....and plug them in.....plug in 250 mb, -48.9 deg C temperature, and 67% humidity....and the result is 108% saturated with respect to ice. And then enter in the other numbers around that 250 mb flight level (the middle of the cruising stratum for jets). You will see that the conditions are just right for contrails to form.


And yes, there are pollutants in that burned kerosene, all of the metals that were not refined out. So......whether you see the c-trail or not, from the minute that engine is on till the minute it is off we are getting poisoned. It's a lot worse than anyone thinks. The fuel needs to be refined to get the metals out.

It is funny that 'chemtrail' pilots can only 'spray' where there are cirrus clouds. Kinda restrictive don't ya think? Those cirrus and cirrostratus are found at the leading edge of warm fronts, cold fronts, and hurricanes. Look to the leading edge and that is where they are found. Especially easy to see them where there is a ridge of high pressure to dissipate the lower clouds for a clear window to the cirrus.

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"A cloud exists because the temperature and dew point are very close together."

You forgot the particulates that the moisture condenses upon.

No particulates, no cloud.

For artificial clouds, it's the particulates from the combustion of the kerosene. The vast majority of the water in a contrail comes from the atmosphere, not the jet engine.

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We all act from our own drama / panic / wounds and colour our opinions because of that. Now is the time to be utterly careful with that.

Chemtrails however are indeed very real. Here in Belgium too!

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When we are learning something new, it challenges us. We then have to think outside our zone of comfort, and yes triggers. We also find our limbic brain to be hardwired for the fight/flight/freeze and so, so, so many fall for that which we nickname AtmosFEAR addiction.

Be careful to start to compare and compartmentalize the two, it will definitely calm one's nervous system once you start to look with real eyes.

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Love it. Thanks for this comment!

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Clif High is filing a lawsuit against the DoD (Department of Democide), agencies, pilots - anyone involved with the massive poisoning and destruction of all biological life...Climb onboard...All Lungs on Deck!!! We will not wait for any govt. Revolt! NOW


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"Claim 4: Violation of Environmental Laws (Clean Air Act)

Defendants’ stratospheric injection and electromagnetic activities involve the release of harmful substances, including nano-particulate aluminum, into the atmosphere without proper oversight, permits, or public disclosure.

These activities violate provisions of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.), which governs air quality and pollutant control, by contributing to pollution and environmental harm.

Plaintiff asserts a citizen suit under 42 U.S.C. § 7604 to enforce compliance with the Clean Air Act and to hold defendants accountable for unauthorized emissions of toxic and carcinogenic substances."

For all the content here is Cliff's direct post link: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/100-billion-constitutional-dollars

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I never saw this happing here in Indiana before, so is this a new thing here?

People here just don't understand this.

I have been sending info like this below and research papers to our Senators

since last summer when our drought started.

Cloud-Seeding Experiment / Lawsuit | Vanderbilt Television ...


(Rapid City, South Dakota) In June 1972, federal government and South Dakota School of Mines Institution of Atmospheric Sciences in joint project seeded number of clouds over Black Hills of South Dakota. Film of 1972 cloud-seeding experiment shown. In matter of hrs., rain began and turned into flash flood over Rapid City.

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If you want to find seeding projects (precipitation enhancement or snowpack augmentation), check out the NOAA library for non-federal weather modification programs:


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Thank you , their comment period ended the 19th

Why after years of weather modification info on their site they now had a public comment period?

Anything else please send. I have some research papers of harms

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They want to add Geo-engineering into the list.

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You're going back to 1972? Do you have photos of these "sprays" you can share with us on CV Telegram?

If you start with the flightradar24 app you can locate the planes in question we can assist you from there.

Cloud seeding is hard to catch and quite often tends to have a particular flight range and pattern - look at Jeff M's comments in this thread - he's the meteorologist among us... then come chat on the Telegram to figure it out.


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I have lots of photo on my little flip phone. Let me see what I can get you

So when we see them all day and night and the planes go back and forth and

makes patterns then this could not be seeding?

Looks just like what is on the site here.

We have a shining silver something all over our cars, looks like metal flake

but washes off easily

We have planes and we see contrails but these other trails go horizon to horizon.

We will have many planes at one time coming back and forth hard not to see them only

thing in the skies

We had a tornado turn around and come back.

I'm not on Telegram right now.


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Jet fuel has all kinds of ugly crap in it...

cloud seeding is an intentional weather modifier for certain

look up your state's weather modification regulations - that's then a place to start the trail of investigation.

Definitely that particulate on your car is telling you something right?

In any case, likely it's just learning what's what... contrails, chemtrails, plane farts or emissions are all FULL of toxic emissions which can likely become a weather modifier when they remain in the sky long enough to become cirrus homogenitus - clouds. Add aerosols into these clouds and well that increases the chance for something to happen sure. Check out @climateviewer.com for a very deep rabbit hole of information - Jim's website, since you're not on Telegram.

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thanks, are e-mails safe?

I have pictures there

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you can private message folks on here and upload photos and files I believe

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I think we give them too much credit for an ability to steer a Hurricane - as far as our research tells us, modifying weather has been ongoing for the past 150 years. Complete weather control is still a dream state. At least if they have it, it is still at the non-detectable phase.

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When was the last time you saw a hurricane hit land and GAIN energy, intensity and precipitation? I’m 71 years old and never seen it, nor as a scientist learned it’s physically possible. Yet Helene tore the SE a new one, and killed scores of people. So I guess we give them too much credit, huh? 🤔

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Excellent! I love it when these narratives are de-kookified.

Now lets do 9/11 - https://www.ancreport.com/?s=911

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Yea, this modus operandi is to seed online disinfo in order to blur seeing the psyop, a controlled opp. All I can tell you, that I see, is that the clouds in Tanzania are not like those I see in the USA. Not even close.

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Can you share some pics and join us on Climate Viewer Telegram? https://t.me/climateviewerchat

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They spray regularly over Dallas Texas.....

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Spray? In Canada herbicide spraying on Forests is done and people are supposed to be notified. Look up contrails, chemtrails and decide if that's what you mean by spray?


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Where I live, speaking of herbicide spraying, they did ask us and we said no. I called. The nice lady gave me some information. Now I know about the qualifications of the sprayers (which came in a truck and did the spraying on foot at the edge of the road). A little bit of knowledge can lead people astray. It is probably a good idea to keep stuff to yourself until you have learned enough to share an idea. I think it was an article of Jim's that explained what the tanks on that particular tour that Trump was on, were used for . Another thing for me to learn, Cheerio :)

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Yes, spray is what I was concerned about - generally means something that we would have a really hard time tracing, especially when it's up there, rightio?

Definitely we all need to work and watch for our exposure of truths. I see that spray is something to research when tracking planes... how do you do it?

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Thanks for this information.

They are spaying us here in Southern Indiana .

Today the spraying went all the way into New Albany.

Senator Braun aide told me I'm not the only one calling him now.

I wonder what people will think or saw because the contrails were there too.

I'm afraid they will think it's all contrails.

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It's the contrails that are the issue - check out what's in the jet fuel - it's loaded! Very toxic substances...

Also when you say 'spray' it starts to get very confusing... please be specific, maybe find out what spray is going on in the area - if possible, go online find the plane 'spraying' on flightradar24.com or similar, then find out the plane tail # and start tracking and identify the spray - at the time it's happening and photograph it if possible.

These are the kinds of things common people can to to start holding accountability. First is to rule out what is actually happening, not just speculation.


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Thanks for the link, just looked and

months ago, I now have big planes that rattle the house and power down or

up, doing something that sounds bad.

You can see their shadow on the ground when the sun out.

Never was right on top of me, we have the most powerful and highest highline behind my house.

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But it has been admitted by UK government that they are testing this tech in a bid to “tackle” climate heating.

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